Today the fire alarm went off in the Middle and High School buildings. All student and staff are safe, and school has resumed. For more information, please visit: https://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/article/154809

Maddie is our October Student Spotlight!! Thank for all the great things you are doing for Fairbanks!!

Good Morning!! Please check out our latest blog post: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2019/10/21/back-to-back-seat-to-seat-feet-to-floor/ Have a great Monday!!

Good morning! This Adham Schirg, Superintendent of Fairbanks Local Schools. Today, Monday, October 21 we will be operating on a 2-hour delay due to fog. There is no Morning Pre-school. See you soon and be safe!!

Good morning @FairbanksLocal families! Today, your student will be coming home with a letter regarding our school district's work regarding student well-being. Please take time watch this short video discussing this important topic: https://youtu.be/cbA7EUYy1kQ #ForFairbanks

You could win $500! We're partnering with United Way to host a Football Drop donation event this Friday at the 500th Fairbanks Football game. To learn more visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/246940209564548/

Good morning! AM Pre-school will not hold classes due to our 2-hour delay. Thank you!!

Good Morning! This is Adham Schirg, Superintendent of Fairbanks Schools. Today we will be on a 2 hour delay due to fog. Please be safe and we will see everyone soon!

Our @fmspanthers1 raffle winner for today is Michele Thomas! She wins an Orchard - Family Admission. Thank you to our parents and students for supporting our schools! #ForFairbanks

Happy Monday! Check out our @FairbanksLocal blog. It features Mr. Finney and how "History Happens Everyday":https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2019/09/23/history-happens-everyday/ #ForFairbanks

Every month we will highlight a student and staff member who are making a difference "For Fairbanks". Check out our first Student Spotlight featuring Rachael Hoover https://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/student-staff-spotlight #ForFairbanks

Please join us for our first Community Coffee on Friday, September 20 at Der Dutchmen. We will get started at 8 am. See you there and bring a friend!! #ForFairbanks

Happy Monday @FairbanksLocal!! Today, we are celebrating International Dot Day at Fairbanks Elementary. It is a great reminder that everyone can 'Make your mark and see where it takes you.' #changetheworld #ForFairbanks

It's a Fairbanks Friday!! Finish strong, have fun, and come support our performers and players tonight!! Kickoff is at 7 pm. #ForFairbanks

Happy Monday!! Let's make it a great week in Fairbanks!!
Please check out our most recent post "Kindness Costs Nothing". https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2019/09/09/kindness-costs-nothing/ #ForFairbanks

Our families and district residents are key to the success of our schools! Please join us for a Community Connect meeting over the next several months. We cannot wait to see you! https://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/community-connect #ForFairbanks

Good morning! Please check out our latest "For Fairbanks" blog, 'The Coach'. Check it out here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2019/08/26/the-coach/ #ForFairbanks

Good morning Parents!! Please share your first day photos with us!! Tag @FairbanksLocal and use the hashtag #ForFairbanks. Have a great First Day of School!

Good Morning! This is Adham Schirg, Superintendent of Fairbanks Schools. Today we will be on a 2 hour delay due to fog. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Our @FairbanksLocal staff make a difference in the lives of students everyday!! #WelcomeBack #ForFairbanks