The Fairbanks Local Schools buildings and offices will be closed on Monday, August 12, 2019 from 8:00am - 11:00am so that all staff can be present for our staff convocation. More information can be found here: https://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/article/124021

Good afternoon! Please check out our latest post "Here We Go...." at https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/ #ForFairbanks #PantherPride

We're blogging! Check out our new blog that will be used to share district news, tell stories about our school community, and highlight the things that make Fairbanks a special place. You can find the first entry here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/

Good afternoon. This is David Baits, Supt. of Fairbanks Local Schools. Today is Friday, May 17th. All phone lines are down. Your children are safe and dismissal will be at the regular time. If you are picking up your children, please use caution driving through high water on school property. Thanks and have a great weekend.

Fairbanks Alumni, mark your calendar!
The Fairbanks Alumni Association will host their annual Alumni Banquet on Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 6:00pm. More information can be found here:

Good morning! This is David Baits, Supt. of Fairbanks Local Schools. Today is Friday, May 3, 2019.
We have flooding on the south entrance into the Elementary School. Therefore, when picking up your children today, please drive slowly and use caution driving through the high water.
Thank you and have a great day.

Good morningl This is David Baits, Supt. of Fairbanks. Today is Thursday, May 2, 2019. Fairbanks will be on a 2-hour delay today. There will be no morning pre-school.

It's Kindergarten Round-up Time!
We're now taking appointments for children planning to start kindergarten next school year. Children must be 5 years old by August 1st, 2019. Please call 937-349-9000 or visit http://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/enrollment--60 for more information.

It's shaping up to be a very busy weekend for Fairbanks! We hope you'll join us to support our students at the following events:
The arts, military & PTO:
Athletic events: http://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/o/athletics/athletics

Fairbanks is hiring a Full-Time Custodian for the 2019-2020 school year! For more information, please visit http://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/careers--15

The 2019-2020 District School Calendar was approved at the board meeting Monday evening. To view the calendar, please visit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YTXD6fFY3jrYNY8A2tbJwFSu0NTnJmib/view?usp=sharing

Blizzard Bags will be coming home with students on Monday, March 18, 2019. More information can be found here: http://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/article/96923

Est-ce que vous enseignez le français?
Fairbanks High School is seeking a French Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. To learn more and apply, please visit our 'Careers' page: http://www.fairbanks.k12.oh.us/careers--15

The Fairbanks celebration of National FFA Week concludes with Drive Your Tractor to School Day! Students were surprised this morning by a visit from the new Director of the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Rep. Dorothy Pelanda. #FFA #PantherPride #Fairbanks

Good morning. This is David Baits, Superintendent of Fairbanks Local Schools. Today is Wednesday, February 20, 2019.
Fairbanks Local Schools will be closed today.
Thanks and have a great day!

You're invited! Please join the Board of Education on Monday, February 25, 2019 from 6:00PM-7:00PM to welcome our new superintendent, Adham Schirg and his family! The Welcome Reception will be in the MS/HS Media Center.

This is Mark Lotycz, elementary principal at Fairbanks Local Schools. Today is Monday, Feb. 11th and Fairbanks Schools will be on a two hour delay. There will be no morning preschool. Thank you and have a good day!

Calling the Class of 2032! Kindergarten Registration is coming soon. Follow the link below for more information about Kindergarten Round-Up:

Good afternoon! This is David Baits, Superintendent of Fairbanks Local Schools calling about a make-up day. Friday, February 1st was our 6th missed day of school this year. The district will follow the make-up schedule at the bottom of the Board approved 2018-19 calendar. Thus, Friday, February 15, 2019, is now a regular day of classes for all students in grades K-12. There will be no pre-school classes on this day.
School buses will run their regularly scheduled routes.
Thanks and have a great day!

Good morning. This is David Baits, Superintendent of Fairbanks Local Schools. Today is Wednesday, February 6, 2019. Fairbanks Local Schools will be on a 2-hour delay today. Morning pre-school is cancelled.
Thanks and have a great day!