Attention all parents:
On Monday, March 18, 2019, your son(s)/daughter(s) will come home with mostly electronic “blizzard bag” assignments to make up our last calamity day, February 20, 2019. As you know, we have missed seven days of school this year. As you also know, Ohio has been in a period of “high stakes” testing since the 1990-91 school year when the “9th grade proficiency tests” debuted. There have been several iterations of the test names, the content areas, the depth of knowledge tested, etc. over the ensuing years. So, with that in mind, our teachers were given the following directives:
The assignment for all students will be due Monday, April 1, 2019. This allows two weeks to complete the work, but the work can be turned in early. Our teachers will grade and record the abbreviated assignments as is appropriate. Our teachers have been asked to provide meaningful work for each class a student takes. Examples:
A. Review for upcoming end of year exams, AIR testing, Advanced Placement (AP) exams, etc.
B. On-line programming (i-Ready, IXL, etc.)
C. Reading logs
D. Other as approved by our principals
For students in grades 6-12, this would be using Chromebooks. For students in K-5, the hard copy option is available because K-5 students don’t have the option to take their Chromebooks home to work on this.
Thank you for your help as we work together to provide a high quality education for your sons and daughters!